voidspek ('l]6vl) is the main language spoken in the Great Void (m'l]). It is spoken by a race of beings who live in the void, known to us as void beings ('l]9l to themselves). It has only 12 root words, making it a very minimal conlang.
There is no known phonology for this language, as the void beings speak in very distorted sounds unpronounceable to us. There are certain patterns in certain words they say, though, and we are currently trying to study which sounds correspond to which words.
The are two main scripts in this language: An ASCII-compatible, typeable script (the one on this webpage), and the main script, consisting of logograms. The script direction is left-to-right, just like ours.
Every word in voidspek is composed of at least one of 12 root words.
Here are all the roots in the ASCII script:
Words are made by putting these roots together. For example, the word "6l", which means "being", is composed of the roots for "thought" and "thing". Together, they mean something along the lines of "a thing that has thoughts", or "a thing that thinks", which are quite sufficient for defining a sapient being.
This language is head-final, but lacks word regrouping, as each sequence of roots has a canonical definition.
The following is a dictionary for all the canonical words in voidspek, along with explanations of the logic behind their composition.
l thing, object
6 thought
] place
o time
/ light
ll matter (the thing that makes up things)
6l being (a thing that has thoughts)
6l] home (a place for beings)
vl I, me (the thing that is actively conversing)
mvl we, us (the plural of me)
=vl you (the thing that is similarly conversing with the active thing)
'vl this, it (the thing that is passive (in the background))
l6 knowledge (thoughts about things)
'l6 the unknown (the lack of knowledge)
l6l book (something which contains knowledge)
'l6l secret (something not known to the speaker)
lv6 creation (the concept of creating things)
lv6o past (the time of creation)
mlv6o beginning (past intensified)
'lv6 destruction (the concept of destroying things)
'lv6o future (the opposite of the past)
m'lv6o end (future intensified)
v6 desire (an active thought in one's mind)
6vl speech, language (something produced when speaking)
vvl tool (something that activates a desired effect)
l] container (a place for things)
'l] void (the place where there is nothing)
]l rock (a thing from the land)
6] mind (a place for thoughts)
v] here (the place that is actively being talked about)
]] world (the place of places)
ol timepiece (a thing about time)
o6 motion (the concept of movement)
vo present (the time that is currently active)
ovl way, path (the thing left behind when moving
ovo journey (a time where one travels)
/l star (something made of light)
l/ color (the light emanating from an object)
/6 idea (a metaphorical light in one's mind)
/6l image (the physical manifestation of an idea)
v/ energy (active light)
'l nothing (the absence of a thing)
'6 opposite (the concept of negation)
'] nowhere (the place that is not a place)
'o stop (the opposite of movement)
'/ darkness (the opposite of light)
v to be
lv to make, to create (verb of making things exist)
'lv to break, to destroy, to remove (verb of making things not exist)
6v to say (verb of transferring thoughts)
l6v to know (verb of knowledge)
v6v to want (verb of desire)
vv to activate (verb of making things active)
]v to put, to place (verb of making things be at places)
ov to go, to move (verb of motion)
/v to glow (verb of light)
v/v to be able to (verb of having the energy to do things)
'v to invert (verb of turning things into their opposites)
mv to clone (verb of making things many)
2v to like (verb of feeling good about something)
=v to be similar to, to match (verb of being similar to something)
=]v to stay, to remain (verb of being in the same place)
qv to ask (verb of questioning)
' not
m many
2 positive
= similar
'm little, small (the opposite of a high amount)
'2 negative (the opposite of positive)
'= different (the opposite of similarity)
mm all (most many)
vl= my (1pp modifier)
mvl= our (plural 1pp modifier)
=vl= your (2pp modifier)
'vl= their (3pp modifier)
2o greetings (good time)
2ov welcome (good goings)
62 yes (mentally good)
- at, on, in
o- to (preposition of movement)
]- from (preposition from a place)
m- and (connects multiple things)
v- with (connects active things)
6- of (mentally connects things)
q polar question marker (placed at the start of a sentence, turns it into a yes-or-no question)
lq what (question of things)
6lq who (question of people)
]q where (question of places)
oq when (question of time)